Looking for someone to manage Zoho books and ensure that everything is kept up to date and correctly processed with the correct financial statements and forecasting. Specifically need to be a strong personality that is willing to put the boss in his place and let him know exactly what needs to be done and what cannot be done. Currently need a scope of work and budget to be put into place to compare with other alternatives. New company registered this week moving clients over from a previous company that had some financial issues and going through liquidation. Print, Signage and promotions company with approximately - bank transactions per month Need to calculate work from home deductions as the garage is the workshop and office exclusively. Personal tax submissions for the Director as well as the business submissions to be done together. Will employ 1 staff member in the next few months all other staff are freelancers or subcontracted Previously all finance processing was on SageOne however we need the CRM and Voice integrations and will be working on the free platform initially
20m from manhole to furtherest gulley. Was told sewer has collapsed. Blockage still there. Plumber tried to use drain spring cleaning machine. 20m of mm sewer pipe Three gulley points and three toilet points. To dig new trench possible removal of old sewerpipe or to lay new pipe to manhole.
Our family owns a large property that was initially acquired to be an old age home. The home was discontinued during covid pandemic. The property is m2 And has an existing structure (building) on it. We are looking for a professional architect to guide us one 1. The feasibility to restructure and reconfigure the house into units for rent. 2. To what extent we can / cannot leverage the existing structure? 3. Assess the strength/ suitability of the current foundation and it capability to support a concrete slab to create upstairs units for rent ? 4. Highlight risks associated with the existing property structure See attached photos of what we had in mind We eagerly await your response.
Looking for an affordable quote and urgent (this week asap) assistance to draft a 50m2 cabin's plan I want to build in Betty's Bay. I will provide the design and full detail (not in a usable file format) to avoid time being wasted on changes. The architect can simply copy and paste my design to draft the plan and submit it for council approval this week in Kleinmond ...or I can submit the plan.
RFQ-ALUMINUM AND GLASS INSTALLATION 1 Remove and Install existing glass and aluminum shop front size x 2 Remove and Install existing glass and aluminum shop front size x 3 Remove back glass and Aluminum shopfront and replace with new x
Kindly use email or WhatsApp if you require more information Paving area is 27m2 and is currently under grass. Grass needs to be removed in blocks - it will be taken away. Area needs to be prepared and paving installed. Area is enclosed in a yard adjacent to an indoor braai area Provisional date 30 September
All furniture stored in storage unit. 6 seater lounge suite Coffee table 6 seater diningroom suite with sideboard 2 single beds (dismantled) 2 chest of drawers 1 wardrobe Bathroom cabinet Medicine cabinet Sewing machine cabinet Linen box 3 x round pine side tables 1 wooden fold up chair 2 x foot stools 1 steel tool cabinet Lawnmower Blower Weedeater 1 box Garden tools Spade, fork, pick +- 5 boxes curtains & linen +- 5 boxes kitchen ware. Steel wood burner
I'm considering a single story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath property. Two of the bedrooms should be 4x3, one with an ensuite. The second bed should be serviced by a bathroom directly opposite. (Maybe separated by a hallway). Open plan lounge, kitchen and dining room, partly or fully opened to the living areas.
1. raising a sunken floor about approx. 15 square meter. 2. remove a pillar and widen a wall in my dining room 3. preparing my lounge, dining room and passage walls, has granite want to smoothen it off for painting. 4.securing a wall with a 9" beam
Good day, we would like to enquire the costs for an extension to the house that would require breaking through of 1-2 walls from the current kitchen. Plans are needed, roofing, glass doors/ windows and foundation. The size is 3x5min maximum and the electricity board would need to be moved. I am looking for an estimation of costs for the total construction and plans/ plan approval in order to see whether we can go ahead with this idea.