I’d like to know what it would cost for venue and Decor for 12-15 people. Depending on cost I would like to know what catering would charge for the same amount of people. 3 September from 12-4:30
I would like a spitbraai menu if possible, around the price point of R .00 per person is our budget. The event is on 24 September at the Irene Village Hall. Thank you
[07/30, 12:32] : 8 waiters (4 males, 4 females) [07/30, 12:32] : *Catering* flat plates- for biryani side plates- for sojee high ball glasses spoons 15 dhai/ sour milk jugs 40 biryani platters 15 sojee platters Table cloths for 15 square tables (including main table, tea table etc) chair covers
Looking for a Spit Braai Company to offer packages suitable for 60 people
Spitbraai only with a full lamb for 30 guests