How much can you expect to pay for catering?
To make your decision easier, we have made a list of all the important prices and fees associated with catering, together with detailed descriptions, so you'll know what is included in the price.
Wedding catering services include providing any combination of food, beverages, and cake. It may also include equipment and other supplies for the wedding reception. Menus can vary depending on the arrangements you have made with the caterer. The price depends on the food you order and the caterer. On average, expect to be charged between R300/person and R600/person for wedding catering.
Get quotesThis is the price for a 1-course buffet meal for one person. The meal is typically a main course, excluding drinks and desert. The price depends on your selection and the chosen caterer. The cost of a 1-course buffet typically runs from R80/person to R140/person, averaging at R110/person.
Get quotesThis is the price for a 2-course buffet meal for one person. The meal is typically a main course and a dessert, excluding drinks. The price depends on your selection and the chosen caterer. On average, expect to be charged between R130/person and R230/person for a 2-course buffet.
Get quotesThis is the price for a 3-course buffet meal for one person. The meal typically consists of an appetizer, main course, and dessert, excluding drinks. The price depends on your selection and the chosen caterer. On average, expect to be charged between R200/person and R300/person for a 3-course buffet.
Get quotesThis is the price for a braai/spit braai warm buffet menu for one person (around 200g meat portion). The price depends on the chosen meat and side dishes. It typically consists of (spit) braaied cuts of lamb, beef, chicken, etc. On average, expect to be charged between R100/person and R220/person for a braai/spit braai buffet.
Get quotesThis is the price for a braai platter serving 5 people. The price depends primarily on the chosen meat cuts and seafood. It typically consists of mini chicken drumsticks, braaied lamb, mini boerewors rolls, different skewers, and accompanying side dishes and sauces. The average cost of a braai platter is R400, or typically between R350 and R450.
Get quotesThis is the price for a meat platter. The price primarily depends on the chosen meat, i.e. chicken, lamb. beef, etc. Beef platters and variety platters are typically the most expensive. For a meat platter, expect to pay between R350 and R430.
Get quotesThis is the price for a cocktail sandwich platter serving 5 people. The price depend on the chosen items. The platter typically consists of mini sandwiches with different fillings and toppings: egg mayonnaise, roasted meat, cheese and ham, tuna, chicken, etc. For a sandwich platter, expect to pay between R140 and R280.
Get quotesThis is the price for a vegetarian platter serving 5 people. The price depends on the chosen items. It typically consists of bite-sized quiche, varieties of vegetable and cheese skewers, falafel, samoosas, and other accompanying side dishes. The average cost is usually R300.
Get quotesThis is the price for a fruit platter serving 5 people. The price depends on the chosen assortment and typically consists of fresh seasonal fruit. The average cost is usually R275.
Get quotesThis is the price for a cheese platter serving 5 people. The price depends on the chosen assortment. It typically consists of different varieties of cheeses (soft, semi firm, hard/aged), sliced baguette, bread sticks, and crackers, and nuts and fruit. The cost of a cheese platter typically runs from R300 to R350, averaging at R325.
Get quotesThis is the price for a sweet platter serving 5 people. The price depends on the chosen assortment and typically consists of bite-sized biscuits and cookies, sweets and small chocolates, dried and fresh fruit, chocolate covered fruits or nuts, etc. On average, expect to be charged between R200 and R280 for a sweet platter.
Get quotesCatering platters are ideal for small banquets or meetings. Please check with the caterer regarding the contents of the platter. Prices depend on the type of food (for example, vegan platters are more expensive) and the provider. The price quoted is for a catering plate without drinks. The average cost of a platter menu is R150/person, or typically between R130/person and R170/person.
Get quotesThis is the price for a lunch menu (about 400g portion) for one person, excluding drink and dessert. It can either consist of a mini buffet course or a warm served course. The price depends on the chosen options, i.e. meat cuts, vegetarian/vegan options, etc. For a lunch menu, expect to pay between R80/person and R200/person.
Get quotesThis price includes sandwich and beverage delivery. Price can vary according to selected options. For sandwich delivery, expect to pay between R30/person and R80/person.
Get quotesFor male 60th birthday party
Whole Lamb or combo (e.g. leg of lamb, chicken thies, pork, beef). Side veggies, e.g. potatoes, carrots, onions, green beans. 20 to 25. Exact number to be supplied nearer the time. It is the 60-year matric reunion for the pupils of Nelspruit Hoërskool. We are all well over 75 years old. It could be more, maybe up to 30.
Tables for 20 people Chairs for 50 people
Elegant diamond service
Year end function,would love the basic meat,salads ,we can serve ourselves .
Braai chops and sausages with salads
3 course meal 3 different meat 3 veg Baked pudding Thanks
Braai beef meat,lamb, chicken and kebarks 2 salads ,2 vaggies garlic bread and pap plus plates and cutlery
Christmas eve supper from 5.30