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Cutlery Warmers
Good day, I am looking for someone that can spit and supply 1 big x Leg of lamb, 1 big x Beef Roast, 1 big x Pork Roast and Chicken thighs enough for 30 people at La Granya Guest Farm at +- 20:30 (night time) next year 5 November . Would prefer meat to be made as late as possible to ensure that it is still juicy and warm when we serve it. I would also like a quote on salads but only if the caterer is willing to make the salads according to my recipe. I can discuss the fine detail if there is someone willing to follow my recipe. Regards
email for quotes, please
EMAIL me please
We are flexible on dates for a Christmas party, not a seat-down lunch, but rather platters and trays for 13 people. Sometime between 1 and 4 pm.