my wife leftt me for more than 20yrs without divorcing me, and married another, she was staying with my son before marrying another man past six years, and she passed early this year, the man took all i suppose her pensions ,car leaving my son in the house, i can't find my marriage certificate again there no records of our marriage at home affairs, except lobolo was paid as a tradtion,
We have some garages with small pinhole pricks that need touching up. We also have three garages that are leaking quite badly (see the attachment for inspection) Here is another video to show the interior of one garage when it is raining: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kra0oLa8jmDfmZZo0kX9XwL8COD2htSa/view?usp=sharing Could you please send an estimate for A) the replacement of one of these corrugated garage roofs and B) the repair cost per roof? Sadly, the body corporate doesn't have the funds to replace all of them right now, so we will need to prioritise the highest needs first.
My wife and I have a sqm stand in Betty's Bay. We would like to build a ~43sqm 1 bedroom 1 bathroom cottage and ~43sqm double garage. The plans have been drawn up by an architect and approved by local council. The plsms also included a ~18sqm wooden deck and ~18sqm covered quartyard between the garage and cottage.
Yes , I want to book my mother in for therapy countless times she has been gambling with my dad’s money. And blames it on she is broke however she does not sleep with hunger , last night she took poison trying to kill herself because she had took money and gambled again this hurts my dad very much because he works hard for that money , I am worried that we might loose them both because of this
The house in total i believe to be -sqm. Complete roofing,not sure about rafters, but there is water damage in the ceilings. All electrical and dboard needs to be done as it was pulled out and stolen. Geyser replacement,not sure about piping because can't test just yet. Entire garage to redone as it's a very old addition and caving in. New kitchen required and a open plan concept to be created. Create additional bathroom. New window frames and leveling of walls. Extend patio at back about 3-4 meters.
I am still employed by the company, my charges have been changed 3 times. The Policy internally does not allow a lawyer but they have granted me an olive leaf to have representation. I have been suspended since Nov . In Aug I have been advised that I am unpaid suspension. There is no representative from the company. I have filed an unfair labor practice case in CCMA and there is so many things that is bot kosher. These people have a inconclusive investigation and no evidence to back anything they are stating. The infomation from my laptop has been tampered with and moved to another device.
Refurbishment of RATAU LEBONE MEN’S Residences, Buildings PC-C8 & PC-C2 Ratau North & South, Internal Alterations and Refurbishment The existing buildings on the site comprise: • Two residential buildings for male students of the North West University, named Ratau Lebone North and South. • a landscaped garden The proposed maintenance interventions will complement the existing heritage resources and will comprise of repairs and replacement of selected finishes. Annexure B to this report contains specific recommendations to guide the architect in the selection of materials and finishes to ensure that the historic character of the buildings are enhanced. Specific items to be preserved are the external facades in totality as well as all the items listed in the heritage inventory and recommendations
Hello. I want palisade fencing installed infront of my property. It's 1,5m on one side and 16m on the other side. I do have a tree in front of the property and would like that section to have the fence bent around the tree. I am situated on the bluff. Please contact me when you have a chance. Thank you.
The dwelling consists partly of the original timber framed & clad unit possibly constructed years ago plus 's extensions providing two enlarged bathroom, two additional bedrooms and kitchen. The existing legacy installation requires to be tested for safety/compliance. Earth resistance of a socket outlet circuit in the original timber frame & clad building is unacceptably high. Installation consists largely of conductors in steel conduit which is employed as the earth return. Some wiring consists of twin & earth cable possibly installed during the 's. The dwelling consists of lounge/dining room, three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower room & garage where a more recent DB has been installed. The property is rented to tenants.
We are staying now for two years at the place. In these two years the wall on the other side of shower and Linen cupboard are constantly wet. Either the tiles were laid down without waterproofing. We just suspect a quick fix was done before we moved in. We would want to find out where the leakage is. And how much to fix or to put in a bath in the place of the shower.