About: Andre Rahl Building Designers is a company located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa that offers architectural services. These services include new building design, extension and remodel drawings, and other architectural services. The company serves the Port Elizabeth area.
double storey, double garage, and extension
Good day, ( ) invites you to submit a competitive quotation for the following architectural and construction services. endeavours to set up a new medical devices manufacturing facility in Botswana that manufactures blood collection tubes. The first group of services are required to prepare documentation necessary to validate the facility for construction with all regulatory bodies and the following group are for the actual construction. Kindly quote for the services you are able to offer only and feel free to pass other requests to your associates. Pre-construction services (This includes quotations for pre construction services and professional consultations for the purpose of preparing the site master file and other documents) facility design plans (3D Architectural designs with plumbing + electrical wiring) Preparing feasibility survey for the project Preparation of Site Master File (Electrical engineer consultation services ) Preparation of Site Master File (Civil Structural engineer consultation services) Environmental Impact Assessment Engineers - Topographical and cadastral Quantity surveyors Soil test report Construction Services (This includes all price quotations for the facility construction such that total construction can be estimated.) Architects + Lead Consultant Engineers - Civil structural Engineers - Electrical Engineers - Mechanical Security System Plant Construction Labor + External Works The proposed facility is a manufacturer of evacuated and non-evacuated blood collection tubes and related medical devices in Gaborone, Botswana. The facility will have the capacity to produce 1.8 million kg/annum of blood collection tubes. Pivotal factors considered in design and layout of blood collection tube facility include compliance to current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), effective production, regulatory guidelines, contamination minimisation and effective cleanliness. The proposed location for the facility is in the SSKI Special Economic Zone (SEZA) which is the area around the Sir Seretse Khama Airport. In reference to the product being manufactured, a vacutainer blood collection tube may be a sterile glass or plastic test tube with a coloured rubber stopper creating a vacuum seal inside the tube, facilitating the drawing of a predetermined volume of liquid. Vacationer tubes may contain additives designed to stabilize and preserve the specimen before analytical testing. Tubes are available with a safety-engineered stopper, with a range of labeling options and draw volumes. Blood collection and analysis are useful diagnostic tools in the practice of laboratory medicine for both human and veterinary use. Kindly find the preliminary floor plans, site map and blood collection tube images below for your reference. Also, please make the quotation for pre construction and construction services separately.
Adding a room above the garage. Open plan, bedroom and bathroom
Interior design to living areas. Extend and or redesigned kitchen
Need assistance for church plan
Revamp the CEO office
My property is Res 1.I would Change of occupancy. I need plans to be drawn and submitted to the council and estimation of the cost of the building.
Need to redo my kuitchen cupbords with opn plan tv room. Also main bedroom without ensuit
We want to extend from the current garage up unto the building line and close it up with a small bathroom and big open plan entertainment area with the garage in front. It has a sink flat roof.
My wife and I are in the process of buying a semi-detached house. We need pricing on: 1. Drawing-up plans for the house as it currently is (apparently the municipality can't find the original plans when the house was sub-divided 10+ years ago) 2. We want to add on a bathroom and a walk-in closet in future