Avoid making these mistakes for a safer electric fence
Although electric fences have many benefits to their owners, they are dangerous and can lead to severe injuries to both people and animals.
Supply and install.
Fencing Church Building-please send me a quote including labour
Our Masakhane laundry situated in rosslyn, pretoria is would like a palisade fencing installed at their premises: 7.5m x 4.5m Minimum 1.8m Height x Posts 2mm Cold Rolled Steel Include Roofing
Looking for a better fence type of fencing in clearview form. request an urgent quotation
2 Sliding Gates.
Palisade steel with spikes on top & side. Galvanized, powder coated in bronze or brown. To be installed on top of an existing brick wall which + - 1. 5 m
Fence to cover two sides of about 20m each and must be galvanised.
Fence with access gate around pool area.