Fixes damage to retaining wall
Knowledgeable person to come and do site inspection. New extension (36 m) from existing electric fence is required to be installed on top of newly installed palisade fence, with gate on street front. Connection is to be from existing energizer. Repair one or two broken earthing pegs. Assess the general condition of existing segments of electric fence. Provide a quote that specifies cost items and labour. It would be greatly appreciated.
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Galvinized in 2,5 or 3 m lengths
I need to extend my kitchen and add lounge
10 corner poles 15 poles 8×30 mesh fance
Kindly quote me on welded metal mesh (galvanized) fence, prefer 2m high or closest where I don`t need to cut shorter. posts must please be suitable so that if in future I want to add electric fence it can easily be done using existing posts and poles.