How much does a fence cost?
How much do different types of fences cost in South Africa per meter installed? We calculated price ranges for palisade fence, electric fence, welded mesh and ClearVu fencing.
I burglar bar for kitchen window
I want to put electric fence on top of the boundary wall of the house
3.5 gate
Electric gate
To be installed immediately Request the company to do measurements Please contact anytime After 2pm
Good morning will you please assist me with 2 quotation for one Square Hectare Free standing electric fences for my farm the different is the Height . A ) with a space of 15 cm between the wire separation ,and 3 M between the pole and 2.50 M Height B )with a space of 15 cm between the wire separation ,and 3 M between the pole and 3.50 M Height
With access gate for person