How to clean kitchen cabinets?
Discover simple ways to tackle dirt and grime while preserving your cabinets. Learn quick tips for cleaning kitchen cabinets and keep a spotless kitchen. Start now!
I require my windows to be cleaned on the inside and outside as well as my fridge and oven to be cleaned.
You can clean all kitchen cupboard, fine with bedroom closets. Ceiling deep cleaning. Mold on blinds and Ceiling
If possible can i ask that the office be cleaned once a week, by vacuuming all areas. Polishing of the office furniture and emptying of all office bins.
Post renovation deep clean before paint
Deep cleaning of +/- chairs in a meeting rooms, dining rooms and Boardrooms. Vulcan fabric chairs including ottomans with relevant SABS approved detergents. We are a cleaning company ourselves that specialises in pest control and we therefore do not have the relevant equipment for this and need help.