How much can you expect to pay for carpet cleaning?
To make your decision easier, we have made a list of all the important prices and fees associated with carpet cleanings, together with detailed descriptions, so you'll know what is included in the price.
This is the price for steam-cleaning a carpet in a typical 3-bedroom apartment. The exact price will depend on the material of the carpet. Additional cost may also apply if special stain removal is required. Carpet steam clean (3-bedroom appartment) costs range between R650 and R850 with an average of R750.
Get quotesThis is the price for professional carpet cleaning per square metre of carpet installed. The exact price will depend on the type of carpet material and the cleaning method. Additional costs may apply for stain removal, i.e. pet stains, bloodstains, coffee or wine stains. etc. Carpet cleaning costs range between R7/sqm and R15/sqm with an average of R11/sqm.
Get quoteslarge 4 x bedroom home 2 1/2 bathrooms 2 x lounges 1 x dining room 1 x kitchen
Cleaning of the walls as well. Just for a day
It is a 4 bed room house with study, 2 bedrooms , 1 toilet and a living room. A builder is busy finishing off work and need a good cleaning before we move in.
I want to Sanitise fogging of church.
Please assist Quotes per attached.
I need cleaning
I'm not sure about sqm. 3 bedroom townhouse. 2 bathrooms, kitchen & lounge open plan
We need massive cleaning after the renovations