We don't have medical aid and my boyfriend doesn't currently work. We both have past trauma, I come from childhood abuse and his I would like to think it is his story to tell. We would like to work on our communication as this is a major issue. We also are very different he is an introvert INTP and I am very direct and a extrovert ESFP . We both know that we need individual counseling as well. So our only challenge we face right now is budget.
Can discuss when we meet!!!
she makes financial demands every time and i am in loan sharks because of trying to maintain her but when i have to pay back the money she complains that i must pay them back next time and she is always right with anything i do not have to come with suggestions going forward saying i drink too much that means i have money of which i do not have just sometimes my friends are the ones boosting me...Please help.
Our relationship has been on the ups and downs and we’ve had a number of lousy fights and its been two months we have not had any contact or meet ups. So she suggested that we see a therapist and start fresh. I asked her to do all the seeking and after a week she got back to me to ask me to help her search for one. And i agreed on the condition that i will find one and she will have to do the bookings of course because i feel like i do almost everything.
Me and my baby daddy really want to build a home for our children but we have our issues and differences, he wants to wife and I'd love to be his wife but there are a lot of concerns about our relationship like trust and several times he hit me, I know the kind of man that he is, but I feel like we need help with our relationship
Their father passed away more than a year ago they have forced me to move back from Hartbeespoort to Springs just to look away my kids from me to take kids they threw me on the street and now they're refused to give my kids back and it's been seven months of only being allowed to see my kids three times they've stopped me again due to people talking nonsense about me that's not true and they believe things I even lost my job and I am battle to find another one. I am engaged do have stability for all off us as my new soon te be husband already accepted them as his own kids. I am bipolar but I do take meds after I left it due to subside off alprazolam medication.
I think am dating Narcissist,he hurt me so badly &keep quite i decided to move on without an apology now ,Aftr that act so funny ddnt gave me the attention thn i decided to ex boy,then he found out ,then I tried to apologise, told him that he the reason of me doing this ,then he felt guilty about that,now he still holding that gradge