5 tafels waar 6 mense kan sit per tafel met tafeldoeke en stoele met oortreksels sout en pepper blomme vir elke tafel, die kleur tema is blou en silver vir n man wat 70 word.
Lamb. chicken and boere wors on the spit. Garlic rolls and cocktail rolls. Two salads (creamy coleslaw and green salad). Pap and gravy or paptert
For kids 4 slice sanguages Fruit Simba Diluted juice in bottles For adults 2 starch 2 salad 2veggies 2 protein can cold drinks water ml
This is a Heritage Day lunch/celebration. Looking for something traditionally South African, we have a very diverse group of people and want all of their cultures to be represented with the food. Please be in touch with menu options.
3 main course Tables Cutlery
3 main course Tables Cutlery
Would love a quote.
Family Reunion. 3 Brunch Servings on 22, 23 and 24 March 3 Dinner Servings on 22, 23 and 24 March Please include suggested menu with quotation.