Restructuring garage to flat. No extra structures outside garage. Garage already on house plans. Only 1 wall extra inside garage.
3 bedroom (main with a bathroom), 1bathroom, kitchen, lounge, dining room and double guarage
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom , 1 Kitchen, 1 Sitting room
For my house to be nice and be a place that I look forward to go to after work. Need help with decorating all the rooms and bathrooms. prefer email communication.
Granny cottage .
Cottage (nutec or similar ) 1 bedroom ,shower wash basin toilet, and the rest open plan with kitchenette
Ground Floor - Lounge/entertainment area, guest room, bathroom, study, gym and patio/pool deck with a swimming pool, boundary wall First Floor - extend main bedroom. Incorporate balcony
Living room and Dining room SHAHEEDS ENTERPRISE
New house, modern simplistic design. Approx. 70 sqm is the double storey section and the rest is single storey. 24sqm will be double volume area with a flat roof structure. Included in the sqm is 3 a double and a single garage if approx. 60sqm. There will be 2 staircases leading to the upper level of the house one from the double volume and on from a single garage. On top of the sqm there will be patio are’s of approx. 54 sqm
I prefer email communication.