Sudwala Lodge


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Recent requests

Funeral catering

  • Event date: Funeral catering for future
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pretoria
  • Approx. number of guests: 300
  • Which meals would you like catered?: Lunch
  • Would you like to have the meals served?: I want the meals served
  • Would you like any additional services?: Plates and silverware

Funeral catering for future . No date yet

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 9 December
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Bloemfontein
  • Approx. number of guests: 40

I am looking for a spitbraai menu's and price range.

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 26 August 2023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Ballito
  • Approx. number of guests: 25
  • Would you like any additional services?: Plates and silverware

There has to be meat and chicken 2kg maybe Tikka flavor and 1 kg mild chicken, baked beans salad, potatoe salad, rolls, small Greek salad for 15 people. We have 5 vegetarian guests - maybe panneer wraps with chips, any suggestions you have are most welcome. This is for lunch at 12.

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 19/08/2023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pretoria Gardens, Hercules
  • Approx. number of guests: 35

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 16122023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pmb
  • Approx. number of guests: 150

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: December 2024
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Cape Town
  • Approx. number of guests: 150
  • Would you like any additional services?: Plates and silverware, Tables and chairs

Party catering

  • Event date: 3 September 2023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Ottery, Cape Town
  • Approx. number of guests: 15
  • Which meals would you like catered?: Lunch
  • Would you like to have the meals served?: I want self-service
  • Would you like any additional services?: Plates and silverware, Tables and chairs

I’d like to know what it would cost for venue and Decor for 12-15 people. Depending on cost I would like to know what catering would charge for the same amount of people. 3 September from 12-4:30

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 24/09/2023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Irene
  • Approx. number of guests: 49
  • Would you like any additional services?: Plates and silverware

I would like a spitbraai menu if possible, around the price point of R .00 per person is our budget. The event is on 24 September at the Irene Village Hall. Thank you

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: 20/08/20223
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Phuthaditjhaba
  • Approx. number of guests: 50

Spit braai catering

  • Event date: August 19 2023
  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pietermaritzburg
  • Approx. number of guests: 10