Aiming at an install to be done round 12 June. The length is 40m long. The terrain is a bit tricky as it is on a koppie/hill. Height 1.8m.
palisade panels2. 4mx3m square tubing units 75mmx2mm 4 Units sliding gates 2.4mx6m 2Units swing gates 2.4mx 2m
I have existing electric fencing that needs to be replaced. About 4meters long.
See picture attached. My neighbours at the back already have an electric fence in place where the wall is 13.00m so not sure if that wall will be included in the quote.
Please contact me on Whatsapp or email. I need an electric fence that will be installed across the perimeter of the fence. I need anti-theft gate as well, a gate should be 6m length and 2.5m high manufactured with steel.
8x4m Mesh fence with a 50mm tubing or machined poles height of fence 2.4m. Single gate to be fitted 2m gate
Please only email me, I have provided all the needed information. Looking for mm high, 16 meter long galvanised fencing to be installed. It is important that it is galvanised.