This is for a company, for a farm
See attached document for all the details. The number linked to this is that of my sister, if you need any more info you can speak with her
Something durable
I reside about 35km outside of Polokwane, I am looking for an electric fence for the yard of my home.
Razor wire fence piranha Galvanised a hight of 1.8- meter diamond mash with an open ×mm. high tensile core.BTO-20.supported by a plain wire galvanized 4 mm three line running parallel top middle and bottom. Fencing stel pole standards Y- profile (kSTD1.80).Bitumen coat 3.24 kg /pole .The pole must be installed 3m apart
There is currently prefab walling in place but we wish to remove that and build a brick and mortar wall instead. The fence needs to be detachable to allow a truck to move in and out and lay down materials behind the fence needed for the building of the new brick and mortar wall. We therefore need a temporary fence for the time being to protect us against theft as this is something that has happened twice before and is a major issue. After the brick and mortar wall is finished/built we will need the fence to be removed.