Labour brokerage company, I require Financial statements for & from Pastel Express . Please call Denise anytime before 16:0
I would like to register an indian food take away and to assist with all the requirements.
I need an accountant to help me reconcile my income and expenses for the last 2 years.
I need a new share certificate as soon as possible, based in
Kamie Joseph, please contact me on email
+- 40. Call ASAP
contact person:Raul Gomez you can contact me at anytime
We are a company that assists other businesses with admin work. We outsource their payrolls, financial statements, tax services and book keeping services. Our Partners are mainly in the property industry , and some are body corporates and a few in the engineering industry. We would like one accounting firm to assist us with the payrolls,financial statements, tax and bookkeeping
My tax return is fairly straightforward. I would like to learn to do it myself. Therefore I would like to sit next to the consultant who will be doing the return for me this year. I need to submit a return for Personal Tax for and a provisional tax return for end of Feb. I need to do it as soon as possible since the return is overdue already. you can contact me at anytime today or tomorrow