Hie there. May I please have a quote on supplying and installing 2 sliding gates of 4m long by 1.8m high. Main frames must be of a 50mm by 50mm by 1.6mm. Galvanized. Both frames are to be cladded using plained treated pinewood. mm by 20mm with no gapes in between. Both gates must be automated. Thanks
I represent Tshimologong , which is an innovation and education hub in Braamfontein. We are owned by WITS who is our shareholder, but are an independent company. We have a finger print and card access door system. Due to having many students the system needs to be robust. The system is currently broken and old and needs replacement. I have been requested to obtain 3 quotes from different suppliers in order to select a replacement system. At maximum it would be approximately 20-30 access points. I will provide full details, once suppliers identified. E-mail is preffered communication method. Thank you
Hi, My wooden single garage door needs repair. The one tip up jam arm nut broke. I releases the spring to relieve the pressure on the nut. Ideally I would like both tip up arms to be replaced. I also require a quote for a complete replacement with a roller door, cheapest please. The door size is 2.26 metre wide and 2.16 metre height. There is a purline frame around the door which is excluded from the measurement.
I'd like an alarm system and cameras installed. There is wiring for cameras currently with about 5 camera points at the property. I'll also require the wireless alarm system that one can operate on a mobile phone. The property is on a square meter land area, the house is square meters with 5 bedrooms. If you need anything else please contact me directly.
I require the testing of current faulted system and repair of current technologies that is already installed but not active. Possible new installation of a new inside and outside alarm monitoring system with armed response. It has to have different inside and outside monitoring settings in the different zones in and outside my house.
SECURITY GATES Security gates and frames comprising 50 x 50mm mild steel hollow section frame bolted to brickwork and gate formed off 30 x 30mm hollow section surround to fit inside main frame, filled in vertically with 30 x 30mm hollow section vertical bars, the door hung to the steel frame with and including a pair of heavy duty hinges and supplied complete with lock box, lock, etc., executed complete: Gate to suit opening size x mm high. No 1.00
This is for a guest house based in Mtunzini. We are looking for an easier access control system that can make the process easier on staff dealing with incoming and exiting guests. Currently staff need to go out and open for guests when they come in or leave, we issue remotes to guests when they check in and sometimes leave in the middle of the night with our remotes which is obviously an inconvenience.
Someone keeps breaking into the flat I rent on a banana farm in ramsgate. It started a while ago and just to find out that landlords young daughters boyfriend is the culprit. I chose to help the landlord and show compassion by not getting law enforcement involved or having the landlord replace stolen property when he insisted repeatedly that he will. I said as long as this stops immediately I will take a loss and be selfless. It has not stopped and I am at my end now. I want the perpetrator caught with a stealthy nightwatchman that can go unbeknownst to perp and others around until we bag our person and action is required.
I have a vibracrete garage and my door has corroded badly and is splitting at the top. I would like to have the new roll up one automated if possible. Please let me know how much this will cost. I would like the dark brown colour again. Door can be clearly seen on Google Maps.43 Madeira Drive, Costa da Gama. Thank you. Kind regards