Lawn is very poorly maintained, mostly weeds with very little grass or dead grass, as we are planning to remove lawn and pave in next year. Really just need the weeds removed and to trim the areas of lawn that have got a bit longer. Please contact me via whatsapp.
Very Small garden at comex need to ckean garden trimming maintenace work and also need to cut leaves that rest on the electric fence on the outside
New garden on gentle slope with existing retaining walls but might need more. We have 3 Milkwoods entangled in coastal shrubs that must be handled to Forestry rules. We do not want any lawn just shrubs and pathways. The property is located in Great Brak River in the Dolphins Creek Golf Estate. Size of garden approximately sqm.
I have several trees and branches which need to be felled and cut down. I need this asap. Depending on the quote and quality of service, I am open to consider a permanent maintenance service.
Grass cutting and flowerbeds to be cleaned.
I have lots of plants that were planted in large pots. Watering them is very time consuming. I'd like to have planted out so irrigation can be installed.
Need lawn mowed, large unruly bougainvillea to be trimmed and to keep controlled. Initially small shrubs to be transplanted. Raking and removal of refese to dump.
, cutting grass and trees, sewage lines, garden flowers, walkways