How to clean kitchen cabinets?
Discover simple ways to tackle dirt and grime while preserving your cabinets. Learn quick tips for cleaning kitchen cabinets and keep a spotless kitchen. Start now!
Would prefer sleep in domestic worker
I would like the kitchen, scullery and 2 bathroom to be deep cleaned. Grout, tiles, etc.
I am not able to take calls today. I will reach out to you when I am able. Alternatively you can email me. I am looking for once of deep cleaning services for a 3 bedroom house including window cleaning.
High ceilings, fans, high kitchen cupboards.
The apartment has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 office, a balcony and an open kitchenette and living room. I request a deep cleaning service.
We bougth a house so the owner of the house is sick n she is smoking inside the house so we want it to be cleaned before we can move in .