The bedrooms do have carpets that just need a vacuum, we also have a dog but she absolutely loves people
We have two small meeting rooms 1 small kitchen 1 medium office (room) Flooring: Carpet My Whatsapp number is the number attached, you can message me there but I am taking calls on the following number:
The place is approx 65 sqm.
Tiles is a church hall
Interior tennants leaving after ten years
Holiday home. Would like it cleaned when guests depart. Laundry , offloading dishwasher,washing left over dishes only. Complex maids clean floors, windows and bathrooms.
Steam cleaning of lounge suite and upholstered furniture and steam cleaning mattresses, cleaning the entire apartment: rooms kitchen, bathrooms, lounge, dining rooms, floors are Keegan pine no carpets. Remove all dust and clean windows and ceilings of dust after kitchen renovation. The place has been newly renovated and there is dust everywhere. The kitchen cupboards and appliances are brand new and need to cleaned quite well and rid of dust. The floors are also brand new and need to be given special care - we are not looking to have any scratches made to floors. Please lift up furniture and not drag.