Effective carpet cleaning tips for stains and wear
Discover how to tackle carpet stains and upholstery wear with expert tips. Resolve issues fast or request free quotes from local pros.
Generally weekly cleaning
It's an 8 floor building. We need cleaning inside and the parking areas aslo need to be swept.
I need cleaning services for the following: 4 X Bedrooms 2 x Bathrooms 1 x Kitchen NB : The house's floor is tiled.
Pre-Occupation cleaning
Is an estate agent looking to go into partnership with cleaning comp for houses sold.
Good Day Thank you 😊 N team what U have already done…Seasons n New Years Wishes to U n Family n Team. Am almost 7months pregnant, so need helper to finish1:30-2pm. Thank you again Keep well
3 seater 2seater 1 seater 2x single beds mattresses both side
Looking for a daily cleaner for house work