One razor wire diameter height (estimate 0,45m) by 9 slabs (13,5m) on east end vibracrete wall and 7 slabs (10,5m) on back vibracrete wall and another 9 slabs (13,5m) on west end vibracrete wall, totalling to 37,5m in length. Need to supply galvanised fixture brackets, onto each concrete upright post, as well.
Can you perhaps give me 2 quotes for concrete slab wall (2ha property) - 1 quote if you install and 1 quote if you only supply the material.
I need CCTV camera installation for my home.
I already have a clearview fence installed and I am looking for a barbed razor wire fence for the top of the clearview fence. I have an approximate length but I am not percent sure if that length is correct. This is quite urgent as I am looking for the fence to be installed by the end of this month.
I need 1,8m x 25m clearview fence in Glenwood (Durban). There will be 2 vehicle gates and 1 pedestrian gate of 1,2m