Remove the bathtub, install a toilet and a basin in the bathroom.It's just a small project but want it to be perfectly done by a registered contractor
Addition of a large main bedroom, with ensuite bathroom (with bath and shower) and walk-in closet. I need contractors to come over and have a look at the structure and then we will take it from there.
I need a charcoal epoxy palisade fence which is approximately 20 meters in length. I also need a 2 x 2.5m sliding gates with track and portals One of the gates must have a motor, please Thank you
We are going to be renovating our apartment in Simbithi and are considering installing vinyl floors.
There is a 2 room with one garage
I need a quote for the following A. Full electric fence with an energiser, solar panel and battery. B. Fence must have a gate and will be linked to armed response. C. Bottom strands closer together. Thanks
Just simple 2 bedrooms with bathroom open lounge and kitchen
Is it possible for you guys to come out and have a look at the place and give me quotations after?
An existing three-bedroom double-storey house to be extended to add two bedrooms, a walking cupboard, a pyjama lounge&two balconies upstairs. Demolition of walls to give way for kitchen and bathroom extensions downstairs and addition of a single garage. Extension of the front stoep roof. Electrical, plumbing and kitchen, bathroom and cupboard fittings
We are looking at building (nutech) a 1 bedroom house which is approximately 70 square meters, it must have an open plan kitchen, dining area, bathroom and a single garage