Central vs. split air conditioning: which is best for your home?
Explore the pros and cons of central vs. split air conditioning, from energy efficiency to cooling coverage, to find the best option for your home’s comfort and budget.
No cool air
The air-con blows warm air. I think it need a gas refill.
Aircon quote for repair or replays
btu inverter unit
I have a rechargeable Maisonware fan and one day it just stopped charging I bought 2 exact same fans on the same day and the other one is still running perfectly (for months now) Not sure why decided to pull the breaks??? So everything in tact but when I try to charge it… nothing happens?
1 x btu 1x btu
Its for one room in the home. All the other rooms have air conditioners already
Mount washing line to the outside wall
I want a quote on a 30 or 36 BTU Inveter air conditioner installed at 75 Shepstone Road, Richmond KZN , As soon as possible. thank you kind ly