Overseas client. Avoid double tax. Possibility for expansion of company resources.
I need my AFS done for & . The person doing my books says she has captured everything already.
I'm needing help with declaring my rental income,etc.
Estate late CM
Provisional tax returns and currently indebted to SARS.
1. I own a florist and employ, 2 other salaried staff members. I need someone to submit my VAT, to do my staff taxes, UIF, development fee ( take my UIF off as an employer) . I need a monthly fee for that. 2. I would also like to know the monthly price of handling all my financial affairs. Paying invoices for me, sending out invoices to clients and making sure they pay. Handling all finances.
Currently a contractor, invoicing in my personal capacity. Need advice on structuring a company, reducing tax and completing returns.
We can liaise on Whatsapp. I use Quick books so need an accountant to verify correctness and complete the requirement for tax returns etc.
Our current accountant does the financial statements, prov tax for company & 2 members & submits the relevant returns. All figures forwarded to him by mail so no onsite visits etc. We do our own VAT, PAYE etc with SAGE Payroll & Accounting so the services are generally only needed for bi-annual returns & financial year end. Looking for an annual figure.