SARS tax return for a UK tax resident. The number attached is available on Whatsapp and I am reachable on email.
I need help with submitting tax returns
Personal accounting for me and then my wife . Just want to talk to a human who understands my situation and actually follows up.
Submit tax returns
Got admin penalty even though I submitted.
Please send me a quote. I thought I want to sort out everything. I have 2 entities. Abaguquli - Non-Profit Company and PBO – I need to get the EMP and an audit done. My PAYE is quite up to date Abaguquli4IR – For-profit company and I need a financial strategy done. I have a few things I want to do and I want the financials to lead me. I have attached a profile, but you can also see our website, I am having it updated. Thanks please let me know if you are keen. Regards,
Calculation of monthly remuneration of each employee, based on attendance provided EMP compiling and submission (including ETIs) EMP compiling and submission (including ETIs)