Garage below ground level has water coming through floor slab on one side, on one side only
Bottom floor completely flood over the weekend. Water seeped from the grass outside, through the foundation/wall of the house. Would like a solution for this to not happen again and possible fix the current damage.
4×8 matter
Hi, I think my problem is the parapet wall, as I had proofed the roof previously...with pap & lap, then rubberized. But the problem persist. I thought of removing the flashing and replace with new concrete. What would you suggest? I'm getting desperate. Please help. I know it is a bad timing, but I would like to start the process.
I have recently build a bricks & cement pond, about 1.5 wide, 2.5 long and 1.2m deep and have applied ram rapond polyurethane in an attempt to have it sealed inside. There are still leaks and would like to have bitumen or simular applied to seal. I hope to find somebody who can spray it on. The pond is easily accessible by a vehicle. Please quote to have it sealed. Non poisonous for plants and fish please.
Waterproofing to upstand beam approx 20 to 30m sq
HI need a quote on water proofing on a corrugated roof its about squares.
I need rubberproofing of my tile roof