12 x 7 New Flat Roof in Mosselbay
Leaking IBR roofing. It must be waterproofed.
I think my roof has a hole and things keep creeping into the ceiling
Portion of the house is built on. Roof cladding Big Six. Leaking and in poor state. To be replaced with metal roofing. Roof is rather flat and behind parapits. Approx 65 sq meters.
Existing metal roof of outbuildings to be replaced. Size 6.5m x 4.5m. Supporting timber still in good condition, but existing purlin spacing is incorrect and three additional purlins( 4.5m each) are required.Roofing material to be Diamondek, or similar. Colour to be charcoal,
Remove thatch roof and replace with metal sheeting
Hi. We currently have an Asbestos roof, new L-shape section roof needed and to join on old roof. Appr. -m2