I have flat roof sections in my house above the kitchen and entrance hall and need to build a pitched roof due to water leaks.I have made repairs to no avail and the cost to waterproof does not warrant the expenditure. I was looking at just building the roofing for now above the kitchen and entrance hall and later turning the area above the kitchen into a study. While having to submit plans i would also like to determine cost of adding a patio to the plans infront of the area C on the current plans (attachment 1) which wraps around to area A (New coverage). The current roof is corrugated roof sheeting and would be used for both the area above the kitchen as well as the patio. Kind regards
I want to convert existing to double story. Add 4 more bedrooms, e suite in main bedroom, open plan lounge and small dinning area and another bathroom
garage and 3 bedrooms
Would like a Reno ,in my TV room , dining, lounge and master bedroom
I want to change the entire living room,dinning room and kitchen
sqm is the plot I would like to build single story house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen dining and living room
Nice size open plan living room and kitchen, attached to the kitchen a pantry/ laundry room. 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms, double garage with storage space, back porch with roof over and braai area, porch in front.
new house. modern. view over the sea optimally utilised. Plot has a slight slope- use it to advantage for double garage. Double storey house. open plan kitchen....opening up towards swimming pool and entertainment area. 6 rooms acessible from outside as well. balconies + lot of modern windows. I have a laymans drawing. Plot registered in my name...5 Felicia Rd, Mountainside
Double story house of sqm 4 bedroom 3 baths 1 open plan kitchen+dinning room+lounge 1 pantry Double garage Thanks
I am looking to expand the kitchen so that it is the main focus point so that the Dining room, Lounge design as well TV room ( family room) .