I only require the supply of the windows, I am able to do the installation of the windows myself. Please quote me.
double hung black
Main bed; 1x 2,4x2,1 sliding (with 1x 0,6x 1,4 2x top hung side wind), 2x Bedrms; 2x 1,8x 1,8 (with 2x top hung to side half each. remainder fixed) Lounge/dining; Stoep sliding 1x2,5x2,1 (no side panel) 1x 1,8x1,8 (with 2x top hung side openers) 1x 0,9x0,65 (top hung opener) Kitchen; 1x 1,5x0,9 (middle fixed 2x side top hung openers) Flat; 1x 2,1x 2,1 Sliding with side light 1x 0,6x1,5 with 2x t/h openers) Kitchenette; 1x1,8x0,9 with (2x t/h openers to sides) Room; 1x1,8x1,5 with (2x t/h openers) Bath; 1x0,9x0,9 (with 2x t/h openers) 3x toilets; 3x 0,5x0,9 (t/h openers)
The door need alignment, the door is black
Someone needs to come out and measure current wooden doors and they then need to be replaced with aluminium doors.
Not sure
Looking for casement windows.