We are very small business with not many transactions happening at present. Our past accountant didn't fulfil their role properly and so we have a bag log of work that need to be done and Brough up to date. We are looking for someone to bring us up to date and help us maintain compliance and records.
We are looking to change our current auditors of 20 years due to changed circumstances. The current work consists of: 1. Income tax return (SAAFFI is tax exempt) in June/July 2. Submission of the annual NPO report (written by us) to the department of Social Development 3. Preparation of the annual financials and signing off once approved by the AGM in mid January. SAAFFI does not employ anyone so there is no PAYE or UIF etc.
We need a company that specialises in small businesses. We had a book keeper consultant but find they are not giving us the service we need. We will require someone to assist our admin lady in understanding how to do the VAT returns and then a service that does our tax returns etc and can guide us on all the financials. We have very recently become VAT registered and are aware that we are not doing it properly. company name is Harper Sports Cars.
I need assistance with filing my tax returns
Good day. I am a small business currently using Quickbooks based in Johannesburg. I need monthly bookkeeping services. Please advise if you do the bookkeeping in Quickbooks? I have minimal transactions transactions in the business currently (mainly about 10 or so monthly expenses), one or two transactions of revenue per month. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards,
I need a professional to help me with my tax returns. Please feel free to contact me dor more info
I am retired and draw about Rk/ annum after tax, from my investments. Submit tax return on my behalf and then send me your fees.
I need help submitting my tax returns. I have a company-provided vehicle on fringe benefit and I am unsure of how to complete my tax return with this as it is new to me.
Can you please send me your rates/ fees by email? I am unable to take calls during the day