I’ve got a vacant piece of land that is over an acre in size (sqm). I would like to build a 4 bedroomed house with the following specifications 4 bedrooms all en-suite Guest toilet Double Servants quarters shared bathroom Laundry room Utility room Open plan kitchen and dining Informal lounge separate scullery Office Kids play room/study A formal lounge Patio/verandah Linen cupboard Swimming pool Master bedroom en-suite Walk in closet Good size
8 bedroom house with a closed kitchen and a 2 dining rooms and lounge as an open plan. One kids bathroom and main bedroom to have full English suite. 1 Laundry room with 2 washing tubs. Main bedroom to have a balcony and the dining to have a balcony as well. 1 study room, and gym room. The house must have a patio. 2 garages and a open space balcony by the garage. The house plan must be a double stories. Up stairs ( 3 bedroom and lounge)
Would like help with interior deco of my living room
Design for Front facade and boundary walk
Looking for drawing plans in Upington for 3 bedroom house.
Extending a verandah, changing wardrobes in 6 bedrooms, changing floor in 8 rooms, 2x double garage and 5 bathrooms, Adding a closet in a main bedroom, New cupboards in a double garage. Changing main doors and new kitchen.
Currently 3 bedroom house. Would like to add another level on top.Would like more advice regarding how to go about with the renovation.
New apartment with bare furniture. Would like to find out the cost to decorate from a professional.
Hi I am busy purchasing a house. In my ‘Offer to Purchase’, one condition is that I want approved Town Council Plans before transfer. I have been emailed a soft copy of the plans. Is there a service where these plans can be checked compared to the house and verify that the plans are in order. If not in order, draft a letter, stating what is out of order, so it can be attended to. What would this cost? Thanks Kind Regards