I am planning to install a carport but right after I want to put pavement by the driveway.
30msq driveway paving and 20msq patio concrete screeding. Please feel free to email me the quote.
Clean a small 2-bedroom flat properly and clean its windows too. Few items of furniture must be moved and dusted under. Clean fridge in and out. Walls inside where necessary. Tiled flat and one 3by2 carpet vacuumed. Reliable and trustworthy person required who will work independently. Please, someone who is not overweight. I'm not responsible for providing eats and drinks. During week only.
To be clean
We have recently moved to a new property. Request for pre occupation house cleaning for the whole property invling windows inside and outside and removing paint stains. Thank you
Clening of carpet in hallway
General domestic cleaning with ironing. It's just a 3 bedroom house not that big though. Please feel free to contact me for more info
4 bedroom house to be cleaned weekly and minimum ironing required. open plan kitchen and living room, 3 bathrooms. Window and carpet cleaning not required every time.