About: M & M Hiring And Events Africa is a catering company based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company offers spit braai catering, wedding catering, party catering, corporate catering, and funeral catering services.
I have no more than 34 guest if all rsvp yes. I need tables and chairs for that amount of guests. I also need plates and silverware for that amount of people. I would like it if the silverware was a copper colour. Please send me a quote
Small lamb spit braai
I will like to have a question for you a 3 corrs meal for the wedding. I was thinking a light start with plain meal verity off pap rice vegetables with chicken and beef stew and fruit cake for dessert.
Spitbraai with 3 salads for 30 guests
Breakfast + Lunch.
Need full service in private home in Kenwyn Cape Town.
This is a year end function for staff. We would like to offer them a braai/spitbraai