Extention for a braai room and entertainment, extra room and ensuite extention. Boundary wall.
I would like to: Curtains made for main bedroom - to be fitted also; Blinds for 2 windows in kitchen, one window in guest bedroom, 3 windows in study - to be fitted also. Existing Curtains for lounge and tv room to be adjusted to fit and hang neatly - to be fitted also. Existing Curtains for 2 spare bedrooms to be adjusted to fit and hang neatly - to be fitted also. Reupholster one 3 seater couch and one chair. Advice on space planning and how to make the most of my existing furniture in the space I have.
Need a fire emergency plan for the tent steel frame marquee X 50m. This is urgently required by Municipality for the event on Saturday 23 November I need a drawer
Rework existing sqm home by adding approx sqm of which part of the new addition is a second "home" which will be attached to the main house. The house is currently in 2 levels, we would like to remodel the bottom level
House is already build. Was under impression that plan was approved. But architect never approved plan, now need someone to assist with plan and to submit to council. Need it ASAP. Can contact me at 10.00 and 13.00
Need costs for planning assistance please - 2 mods to 1 house. Want to convert a part of a large house to a separate granny flat and also build a new adjoining 1-car garage for it. (There is an existing large open-plan workroom that has an en-suite existing bathroom (at the end of one side of a house), want to change this into a granny-flat) Also want to build a new small workroom extension on the other side of the house (size of a single garage with entrance into the house). Need plans drawn up, and costing to execute this project.
Hi there, My husband and I are wanting to build a double garage on our property with a workshop extension. We already have the drawing completed. We just need it to be double checked (in case of requirements not being met) and submitted to council. Please could you send through a quote of what the cost is likely to be and what the process entails (waiting time etc.) Have an awesome day! Kind regards,
At the moment, our lounge dining room and kitchen are open planned. There’s a loft above the kitchen. We would like to extend the lounge(by 3m) and give our house a modern finish. We would like to build a double volume lounge ,dining room. Outside the kitchen is an entertainment area which is 6x6m, we would like to incorporate the entertainment with the house.
Extending the garage, changing the front face of the house, building a flat attached to the house. Please contact me around 10:00
As a school we are wanting to renovate our staff room. I attach an architect's proposed plan. It will include renovating the kitchen, putting vinyl flooring, replacing chairs and tables, building new pigeon holes for 72 teachers, replacing stack doors to the outside patio and upgrading the patio area with a screen. It will also require removing a current dry wall phone booth. 21 Middlebrook Avenue, Danville Park Girls High School