I require assistance with my financial statements, I am currently with FNB and need an accounting service.
I am a sole proprietor of a small panel beating business and I need lots of help with admin taxes and accounting, lots of catching up to do, Since lockdown and with loadshedding I am too busy trying to catch up with my work and keep my business afloat to think about finding time to sit down and do paperwork and submit tax returns. It has to be done so I would appreciate professional advice and a quote
i need financial statements for cidb upgrade
We have a small business (2 employees) that is now deregistered for VAT. We just need some assistance, perhaps with fiduciary reporting. We could surely even do our own simple payroll. Our records are on Xero and we don't want to change. We are currently serviced by an accountant, but the retainer seems to be wastful, given our circumstances.
Help with tax returns and tax clearance certification, COIDA and VAT registration
CIPC Certificate
My payments and statements are all mixed up, I need an accountant to help me sort out my books. I run a small construction company and need help with the financial/business aspect.
Morning, The services we will be requiring is bookkeeping and tax. As we are residents in both UK and SA, and travel between the two counties for business, I am finding it a bit challenging, doing the 'paperwork' for when I am out of country. We will be returning to SA shortly and would at this time make appointments with accounting companies to see which best suits our requirements. Many thanks Megan Byrne
All documents to SARS and CIPC has already been submitted and approved. This is for last year's tax season. The statement was not audited but drawn up by ourselves. XL spreadsheet, bank statements are available. SARS accepted this. We just need an audited financial statement for a potential business deal please. It's a micro business in video production.