I would also like draping. The theme of the event is African Jazz Sophiatown so I would like the decor to be drived from the theme.
Spitbraai kwitasie vir 50 mense
Sheep on spit with potatoes and salad
It's a boat cruise and I would like to serve guests with finger lunch
Provide me with options to consider
70th Birthday
Buffet 3 course meal.
Catering and food for 80 x people, starter, main course and desert( not sure about the food yet) just your basic food please
spit braai
Good day Could you kindly provide me with a price per person for a 60th birthday party for about 30-40 guests at Parow residence on 20 May please. Suggested menu below Much appreciated, Wesso Cell Suggested menu: Lamb spitbraai with potatoes and onions, garlic bread, green salad, curry pasta salad, and cutlery & crockery.