JJ Electrical Services

Electrical services, Electricians, Handymen, Home renovation, House renovation, Painters, Plumbers, Solar panels, Web design
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1 review

1 review for JJ Electrical Services

Customer reviews

The electrician is professional and very straightforward in his dealings. You always know where you stand with him, which is appreciated.

The electrician can appear to be slightly grumpy at first but he is ok after that.

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Recent requests

Plumbing installation

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Scottsville
  • Estimated project start: 1–3 months

need a plumber

Geyser related services

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Randlespark
  • What kind of service do you need?: Burst geyser repair
  • Describe the problem you are experiencing (in more detail): Water o overflow from the large white pipe from Geyser which means Geyser is damaged.

Water leak detection

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Danville pta west
  • Where is the leak located?: Other location
  • Describe the problem you are experiencing (in more detail): The water is leaking in the toilet but we not sure where it comes from

Certificate of compliance

  • City or suburb: Amalinda
  • Type of property to be inspected: House/apartment

Quote to issue the COC for installing a stove

Plumbing installation

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Pretoria, Attredgeville
  • Type of service: Other
  • Estimated project start: More than 3 months

Plumbing repairs and replacement

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Welkom
  • Type of repair: Other

Two electric geysers to be transformed into solar panel

Plumbing repairs and replacement

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Oribi street jeffreys bay
  • Type of repair: Drain repair

Blocked toilet drain

Repairs and installations

  • City or suburb: Witbank
  • Areas in need of repair or installation: Electrical garage door/gate/fence

I need assistance to repair Faulty gate and garage door motors

Water leak detection

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Overport
  • Where is the leak located?: Outdoors
  • Describe the problem you are experiencing (in more detail): Underground water leak between meter and apartment. Area is paved. Distance bet meter and apartment approx 45 meters

Plumbing repairs and replacement

  • City or suburb where you need the service: Nelspruit
  • Type of repair: Toilet repair

Blocked toilet. French drain.