want to add another floor above current storey. 3 bedroom, 1lounge, kitchen and a separate bathroom, i want to make it a double storey. Can contact anytime from next week.
4 Bedroom main bedroom will have an en suite double story guest room down stairs with an en suite . There will also be a kitchen lounge patio dinning room with a swimming pool .
1. Beautiful home 2. Classy home 3.Welcoming home
Can contact anytime.
Remodeling. Contemporary design, with detailed exterior. Roof re design. Include en suite in three bedrooms. Can contact anytime
Want to add 2 bedrooms one with a small ensuite. Put a fire place in the front back room en convert it to a lounge. Bring the garage forward and put a carport infront
Wall paper these 2 walls
double story house plan with a modern roof
I have bought a low-end market property in PE and wish to sub divide the property and build 2 small townhouses on the property. the aprrox size is sqm. Water, electricity and sewage already in place. Looking for a rough estimate of the costs. Via WhatsApp only. Currently out of the country in Zambia. Would need the architects to run point and supervise the whole project as well!
Granny flat. Open plan kitchen 1 bedroom 1 bathroom