I have purchased a holiday apartment in toti with the intention of holiday letting. I need to redo the bathroom and furnish .
Modern style, bathroom, living room, dining room and master bedroom, 4 rooms
Convert double garage into a lounge room. Replace garage doors, put in fire place and TV.
Kitchen, Bathroom(s), Bedrooms/Living room/Dining room - modern look
Can you send me a list of approved interior designers that you use- please - top 4 maybe
Good day … I have a sectional title (only 2 units on property) and also a loose standing Cottage on my property. Started with renovations in , but had to stop due to COVID &) .. I am seeking Architects that specialise in renovations to older properties … and that can manage the project from start to end. Starting date January . Kindly only communicate via e-Mail. Thanking you in advance ….
open-style kitchen
Need to redesign my kids rooms, the master bedroom, the lounge and get the flow of the house right!