About: Greenwood RV Waterproofing is a waterproofing company located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. They offer waterproofing services for roofs, decks, balconies, foundations or basements, and damp proofing.
The house has m2 of big six fibre cement roofing. The entire roof needs to be waterproofed again as there are leaks between the joins on the roof and the wall (see photos). The pitch of the roof is shown in the section attached.
I have a zink flat roof but don’t want to remove it want to install a tiles pitch roof on top it’s 6m by 4.5 not exact measures
kindly quote me and give me a call for quotations
We would like to seal the inside of the thatced roof to prevent dust from faling through
.5 square meter flat concrete roof needs to be sorted
Painting and seal, need a written quotation.
Need to repair flasher boards on roof.