Hi. I want to build a front wall type with palisade inserts. I'm not sure what is the standard length (3m) or height (1,2m) of these. Will have brick pillars at every 3 m, and not use steel pillars. Will build with the standard 90 blocks
16 lengths palisades 3m x 1.5m 20 lengths tubing 2m x 1.5m
For perimeter precast fence around.. paced approx 40x40m. (Please provide comparative quotes for 6 or 8 wire strands.) Have cleared all tree branches overhanging but have razor wire with metal support rods around some of it to be put to one side..outside. I have a sliding gate quote me apart for a motor open/close
Can you please send me all the costs involved in supplying a palisade fence only on Whstapp?
I want the wire mesh fence around my verandah as the area is prone to snakes. I am not sure o the measurements but it's just a small portion. Thank you.