Galvanized mash whit green coated. Clear Vu Cochrane invisible wall. The fence mast is manufactured from high tensile steel. Affixed in the edges of fence panels. The spikes are to be at equal intervals and secured using anti-vandal bolts. Should be able to be integrated with static electric fencing to solidify the perimeter. Please can you provide me whit a sample of the fence also
Hi there I need the following: Removal of an old fence and posts (m) Install new ClearVu fence - 1.8 meters high, 3m wide (m) Intermediate posts to be 3m distance between each. Flat wrap razor wire on top (m) Installation of 6.3mx1.8m high main gate gates to be sliding gates, and be supplied with the lockable device Sliding gate to run on angle iron rail. Must be properly secured with concrete. Gate sizes 6.3m opening. Please quote installation and supply only, you can send it on Whatsapp. Thank you
The overall length of palisade fencing by adding up the 3 sections that need fencing is 13.5m but is required as 3 separate sections. Details of the 3 separate sections that need to be fenced are: 1) 4.3m section between house and vibracrete boundary wall (fixed panel, no gate) 2) 4m section between 2 brick pillars (fixed panel, no gate) 3. 5.2m section between a brick pillar and vibracrete boundary wall (this 5.2m section should be inclusive of a sliding driveway gate. Hope to hear from you soon.
Clearview fence City (or suburb) where you need the service: De Aar Fence length: m Fence height: 1.8 m Will you be requiring installation?: Yes Estimated project start: More than 3 months kindly could you assist us with a quote for installation of Clearvu fencing. Please quote us on your rates for these items below: - Removal of an old fence per meter - (Rates per meter) - Installation of ClearVu fence - 1.8 meter high, 3m width (Rates per meter) - Instalation of 2 2 main gates & 1 small walk-in gate - Gates dimensions (2.4m high & 6m width) - 11-12 meter rail on each main gate X3 Also quote us separately on the gates motors installation (D10 Centurion motors X3) The entire yard is an estimated m end-to-end Sincere Regards
1) Need to heighten existing asbestos-cement fence to fill a gap were 3 burglaries took place over x-mas season. 2) Would also need 3- 5 support poles -circa 3.5 meters. 3) Kindly supply standard width of your metal fence AS WELL AS Palisade fencing and pole prices - No decision yet as which of above two is more secure to intruders PLEASE NOTE - my phone ONLY rings for direct incoming calls - NOT Text or Voice Messages - Kindly ask your agents to PHONE .
contractor that will be able to remove the existing fence and install a new Steel Palisade fence at the Tsheesebe Primary School in Waterberg District Municipality 3. STEEL PALISADE FENCE AND ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. Installation of Steel Palisade Fencing Panels: 1.8 x 3m above ground level. 3.2. Fence bearers: 40 x 40 x 2m angle iron. These are to be placed mm from top of paling and mm from bottom of paling. (mm from ground level). These are to be welded flash with the back of the post. 3.3. Palings “Devil Fork” 21 palings per panel. 30 x 30 x 2mm steel angle iron paling 1.8m high. Paling to be inserted and firmly welded to the bearers at mm centres to be centre. Top of the paling to provide a “Devil Fork” effect and bottom will have a dove tail. 3.4. Installation of 2.4m high (76 x 76 x2 mm) Posts: 76 x 76 x 2mm steel square tubing with closing pyramid caps on top. Post must be 2.4m high and mm will be planted into concrete footing to Engineer’s design. 3.5. Installation of Palisade Gates for Pedestrian and Sliding Gate 3.5.1. Sliding Gate: 5 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm 4 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm Post to be founded in a concrete footing x x deep. Concrete strength to be 20Mpa (minimum) at 28 days. 3.5.2. Pedestrian gate: 1.2 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm 3.5.3. Painting: Clean surface and allow to dry completely. Remove all Flux, Rust, Grease and loose material before painting. All joints must be smoothed. Apply one coat Primer for steel (red oxide) and apply one coat universal undercoat and one coat Gloss Enamel (Traffic Green as specified by the LPDE) No brush painting. 3.5.4. The School has perimeter of metres N.B. the tenderer must price for Installation Labour Only, Including the concrete footing; the fence will be supplied by the fabricators.
Good morning Can you please send me a quote for 4 x 2.4M x 3 M x 20 PALES PER 3 METER /SPIKES=SPEAR 30 X 30 COLDROLL ANGLE panels 1 x 2.4M x 1 M Panels 6 x 3M x 76x76 x 1.6 POST 1 x 0.9 x76x38 Rectangular Tube 1.6 Pedestrian Gate And nut and bolt for mounted all panels mounted to the post Area will be 4M x 3M Am looking for your reply
I require the supply/installation of galvanized, stainless steel - razor spiked palisade fencing for the front of my property, will serve as a boundary wall (I estimate the length of the fence to be 35m). I will also require a sliding gate that will open/close in my drive way that leads into my double garage.
We require the current palisade fence to be cut to allow a gate to be inserted - new support posts cemented in and the gate needs to be manufactured to the size of the opening (Approx. mm) electric fence must be re-fitted following the profile of the gate. Heavy duty hinges and sliding latch to be used with a tamper proof piece of metal welded on the outside covering the latch area
I am looking for an Easyview fencing quote to secure the perimeter of erf 95 Cato Ridge. See attached diagrams. Perimeter is .9m My client is looking for quotes and I have suggested a medium security 3x4mm clearview fence with square posts to keep out land invaders. Alternate high security as an option would be welcome. The site is inland but does experience damp conditions, please specify metal treatment, powder , galvanised etc. Please also specify options with respect to height. When ready to commence the corners of the site will be pegged out for the contractor as well as inline pegs as needed.