4 bedroom, 2 with en-suite, walk-in wardrobe, study, wine cellar, open plan kitchen, dining room and sitting room
Rural farmstyle home with all fixtures and electrical fittings etc
4 bedroom and 4 en-suite bathrooms Guest toilet Kitchen with scullery Open plan Dinning room and Seating room Pyjama lounge Staff quarter with shower and toilet Double storey glass house
Extend into a double storey house
We would like our bedrooms and living areas designed. Would like it to be homey with comfortable furniture options
This will be a light steel building, best time to call me is after 15:00 pm
Small hotel or Motel, please contact me via email
Triple story house with a swimming pool on the roof
We want a patio out by the pool that we can relax in. Child friendly where the kids can play , draw etc, where I can read while watching the kids in the pool. Also for entertaining guests. No braai needed as we are vegetarian