I want to add double garage in my existing house
Double storey house
We just bought our 'retirement ' home. Nice open spaces have us questioning/disagreeing on lounge vs dining room positioning...how to create an office space within this open living area. Ideas for our courtyard.. etc
3 cluster houses with 3 bedrooms each
I would like to get a quote for extending a lounge area into an open-plan lounge and entertainment area. I am unsure of the square meters. Can you please give me a call anytime after 15:00
I would like to convert my single garage into a 2 bedroom flat. I need an Architect to help me with the drawings and approve the plan. We will obviously discuss all the specifications in more detail preferable face to face. Thank you
I have just purchased a piece of land I am planning to build on it. I will discuss the project specifications with the professional once contacted. Thank you
Can I get a professional that will be able to help me with plans for a lapa. Thank you
I want to build a granny flat in my yard. 2 X bedrooms, bathroom with separate toilet kitchen, and lounge/dining room. Please contact me on
Front width 8 meters and length is 9.meters with all piping and drainage at the rear. Left and right side wall can't have windows only windows at the front and back. Suggest syk light's Current measirements are 6 meters by 7.4 meters front and back doors with front and rear windows and one small on the l/h side mm by mm. Extension will be 1 meter from property boundary on l/h side and 2 meters to the rear.