. The Boundary Wall at said Unit was Accidentally Bumped by a Vehicle and the wall was damaged to such an extent that it crack through on both sides for +- 15.6m2 and dislodged from the pillars. The wall will need to be broken down and Rebuild form the foundation. (See attached Photos) Wall Will Need to be Waterproofed / Prepared for painting and then re painted.
. The Boundary Wall at said Unit was Accidentally Bumped by a Vehicle and the wall was damaged to such an extent that it crack through on both sides for +- 15.6m2 and dislodged from the pillars. The wall will need to be broken down and Rebuild form the foundation. (See attached Photos) Wall Will Need to be Waterproofed / Prepared for painting and then re painted.
We would like a quote on two turnstile gates one for an exit door one for an entrance door, in our branch in KWT. We want to minimize the chances of theft as we have valuable items in our front shop, and with a security guard you don't always pick up traces of theft with an exit and entrance all being in one place.
I have a sunsynk solar system that has been installed. It's like 99% done, the entire PV side is done including dc protection box, the switch gear has also been done. The only thing missing is to wire 2 breakers (geyser and oven) on the non essential board. I can send pictures of everything. And I then need a CoC. The electrician and I had a falling out and now he doesn't want to finish the install. Would you be able to help?
I am wanting to turn a 3 Bedroom & 1 Bathroom home to a 5 bedroom with 3 Bathrooms (2 En-Suite) and also add a 2 car garage in the premises, I want to open up the kitchen by removing the wall diving the lounge & creating an open plan furthermore extend the lounge/kitchen side and extend all 3 existing bedrooms
I'm converting my garage into an extra bathroom and bedroom. I need the garage opening bricked up with a x window built in. Also require demolition of part of the firewall in order to connect garage to main house. A few other electrical and plumbing requirements within the house Garage is phase 1. Phase2 and 3 will follow after plans approval
Good day, Trust this e-mail finds you well. We experience the problem with waterproofing issues at N1 North Baobab Toll Plaza. You are hereby invited to provide us a quote based on the attached specifications. Sanral requested us to push this because they would like to get this done before the current Contract ends. Regards, David
The main job would be to remove an old skew trap toilet and install a new one. If the old cistern is kept a leaky inlet pipe should be fixed as well. I would like I would like a quote for this. I would like to have a broken basin replaced. This would be done at the same time as the main job and so I would have them quoted together. Lastly I wish to see what it would cost to have a washing machine plumbed into the bathroom. Please quote this job as if you received the other two jobs as well. Lastly I would like to have a external solar geyser inspected to make sure there are no problems with it.
I want a quote for 8x w canadian solar panels mounted with renusole/variosole rails, middle clamps and end clamps, the furthest point away from the inverter is max 10 meters, i want 6mm pv cable, 2 strings of 4 pannels each, then i want 2x 25Amp 2pole dc circuit breakers one for each string and then i also want 2x dc surge arrestors one for each string, i want my panels grounded to an copper earth spike and that same earth i want connected to my surge arrestors aswell, the pv breakers and pv surge arrestors i want in a neat 6way pvc db, inverter i have is a kodak og-max 7.2kw
1. Boundary wall 24m long x 2m high. 2. Wall to be plastered and painted. 3. Motor gate. (Motor is already available). 4. Pedestrian gate. 5. Pavement in front of the gate. 6. Motor gate must be positioned 2m away from the left corner. 7. Remove concrete outside and replace with grass lawn. 8. Remove the plants outside and replace with grass lawn. 9. Repair the pavement next to the tar road. 10. Further details are on the attachment for clarity.