Top 7 reasons to upgrade to VoIP phone systems
Explore the top 7 reasons to upgrade to VoIP phone systems in South Africa, from cost savings and global connectivity to resilience during load shedding and advanced features.
5 bedrooms with a double garage, separate bathroom and toilet. Including laundry room.
I'm planning to build a 3 bedroom house with a single garage
Renovations on my home. This would be for the restructure of my home in Sq meter. It is a guesthouse but need to remodel it.
I need four bed rooms Double garage Two rooms outside with toilet and shower
I would like to add a double storey addition on top of our single storey house. I would like to know the process and the prices we basically want a replica of the single storey to be the same on the double storey.
Yes i want a quote on a 2 bedroom flat ,single floor.
Cemcrete type of finish or similar product.