Five room with double garage and bathroom kitchen with three separate double plugs and one single plug and sitting room with two separate double plug, the other three rooms each with two separate double plugs, eight outside lights operating with day/night sensor one plug in garage and two bathroom and isolator for stove. Each room with single switch and two passage switch and light in veranda.
Please email me and introduce yourself properly so that I can know who I am dealing with. I need waterproofing of 2 x apartment blocks. I need to get quotes for the Body Corporate for the repainting and sealing of the situated at the corner of Guthrie and Cliff Streets, De Kelders, Gansbaai from properly registered professionals.
4 bedrooms 1 bathroom in the main 1 bathroom for the rest of the bedroom s Sitting room Dining room Kitchen Double garage 10x outside led spotlights 2x outside normal lights 1x socket outlet for geyser Please include 2 quotes 1 with downligts, chandeliers and special lights in the bedroom and family rooms 1 with normal lights and normal plugs Please also include labour cost and call out charges so I can know how much I must budget for. Thank you
Urgent: A complex in La Lucia require 7 floodlights to be installed into already existing points (replacing of old floodlights) As part of a Body Corp, We also require the necessary documentation: 1. CIPC registration 2. Letter of good standing - Dept of Labour 3. Confirmation of Banking Details 4. Liability insurance
Flat roof above garage, surrounded by a small parapet wall, the floor area is covered by tiles would like to have a complete waterproof coverage with the sides slightly against the wall to stop future leakage. The area is approximately 42 sq metres and I have at present leaking problems at the inner edge of the walls.
My house has two standing roofs joined by parapit. Between these roofs there is a flat roof joining them with a very slight slope and lots of leaks. Need to waterproof parapit joint and flat roof section. IBR standing roof and corrugated on the flat section. I am not very connected phone wise. Email or WhatsApp works best.
We are having a problem with our neighbors. They are cutting down the trees from our yard and we need advice on landscaping and how we can rearrange the trees and correct the garden to suite everyone's preferences. I would also like to add a turtle pond to the garden for an animal we recently had rescued.
Current garden very overgrown and neglected - back garden is a shade garden with quite a few plants and shrubs that aren’t suitable for shade. Garden needs to be cleaned up and redesigned. The back lawn is very patchy as it doesn’t get much sun - seems to have a few different varieties of grass planted. Lawn needs to be dug up, soil fertilised and suitable shade grass planted. Front garden grass is fine as it is sunny. Plants overgrown which need to be removed and/or cut back and replaced with new suitable plants/ shrubs. Open to suggestions of what design /layout would be suitable so no specific style preference other than it should be water wise and easy to maintain.
I have a secondary DB board for a cottage. The cottage is fed either from eskom or my solar, but the cottage geyser drains the solar battery. There is a meter in the secondary board. The work I require is either to run a second wire from the main board to the second board for the geyer and have a second meter, or to take a feed from other circuits in the secondary board to feed some lights and plugs from the solar during load shedding - also requiring a second meter I think. Hopefully there is space in the board for a second meter. Then there is a circuit that is disconnected because it caused a leakage trip, probably due to a shared neutral, shared between the main and secondary boards.
This enquiry relates to a single story 3 bedroom house that is nearing the end of renovation and probably be put up for sale in two or three months. As far as I know , a registered electrician has worked on tbe house recently but don't know what was done. However I know that another one has to inspect and advise on any repairs required. I think the house is approx 50yrs old